Successful event celebrating Scotland’s rainforest

Màiri McAllan, MSP, giving the keynote speech at the Alliance for Scotland’s Rainforest event at the Royal Botanic Garden, Edinburgh

Màiri McAllan, MSP, giving the keynote speech at the Alliance for Scotland’s Rainforest event

The lush green surroundings of the Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh proved a fitting venue for a special celebration of Scotland’s rainforest on 28 April.

The event was intended to showcase the successes of the Saving Scotland’s Rainforest project, as well as discuss solutions to the many on-going challenges, and secure vital support for future work.

It was the first such event to be held in over two years, due to Covid restrictions, and appropriately enough, was held in the same venue as the project’s launch event in 2019.

Guests gathering at event celebrating Scotland's Rainforest at the Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh's Caledonian Hall

Guests gathering for the event celebrating Scotland’s rainforest in the Caledonian Hall

Over 80 people came along on the night, including representatives from many of the Alliance for Scotland’s Rainforest partner organisations, funders, and Members of the Scottish Parliament.

In her keynote speech, Mairi McAllan, MSP, Minister for Environment, Biodiversity and Land Reform, re-affirmed the Scottish Government’s commitments towards the rainforest. Jenni Minto, MSP for Argyll & Bute, who also spoke, talked about her passion for these habitats and the communities that depend on them.

Panel at event celebrating Scotland's Rainforest in April 2022

The panel was made up of a mix of voices, and covered a range of rainforest issues

The speeches where followed by a guest panel of five experts, who answered diverse questions on subjects such as rhododendron control, the role of young people in addressing the climate crisis, and what help can be given to land managers to restore their areas of rainforest.

The event ended with an exclusive screening of ‘The Ghost Rainforest’, a beautifully shot and emotive film made with support from the Alliance. It follows a group of indigenous activists from the Amazon as they make a journey from COP26 in Glasgow to visit areas of Scotland’s Rainforest and perform a blessing. It is hoped the film will be released to the public later in the year.

All photos - Helen Pugh Photography


The amazing biodiversity of the rainforest