Craignish Lantern Festival
Jenny Tweedie Jenny Tweedie

Craignish Lantern Festival

“I come here every day. It’s our own little bit of rainforest and I love it.” There’s a strong sense of connection and belonging amongst the group. They care for this place and want to nurture it.

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An unexpected rainforest
Jenny Tweedie Jenny Tweedie

An unexpected rainforest

Dunollie Wood is situated right in the heart of Scotland’s busiest port town, and yet it’s somehow managed to retain much of its special rainforest biodiversity.

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Looking for lichens
Jenny Tweedie Jenny Tweedie

Looking for lichens

Scotland’s rainforest is famous for its lichens. But there are so many to identify it can be a bit overwhelming… unless you’re in the presence of someone like Oliver Moore from Plantlife Scotland.

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Students sought for rainforest research projects
Jenny Tweedie Jenny Tweedie

Students sought for rainforest research projects

Scotland’s rainforest is an incredibly biodiverse habitat, but it faces many threats, and high-quality research is urgently needed to help restoration projects. If you’re a Masters student currently working towards an MSc or an MRes, then you can be a part of this important, and potentially ground-breaking work.

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The goat willow: champion tree of the wetlands
Jenny Tweedie Jenny Tweedie

The goat willow: champion tree of the wetlands

All rainforest trees thrive in the rain, but willows are one of the few trees that tolerate very wet soils. They're also incredibly important for wildlife, from pollinators in spring, to the lichens that cling to their bark.

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Searching for bird cherry
Jenny Tweedie Jenny Tweedie

Searching for bird cherry

Scotland's rainforest has been influenced by people for hundreds of years, and one of the results we see today is that certain trees are 'missing' from these rich woodlands. But steps are underway to track down these trees, and help them survive for the future.

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The beautiful birch
Jenny Tweedie Jenny Tweedie

The beautiful birch

Birch is a much under-appreciated tree, but it’s an important species in Scotland's rainforest, where it supports loads of wildlife. You’ll find it in folklore and linked to place names, and its spread throughout the Highlands today has a fascinating connection… to cotton spinning.

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The rainforest fab four
Jenny Tweedie Jenny Tweedie

The rainforest fab four

Meet the ‘fab four’: migrant birds that travel to the UK from Africa each spring to nest in our rainforest woodlands, where they sing their hearts out.

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Looking for lost rainforest in Kintyre
Jenny Tweedie Jenny Tweedie

Looking for lost rainforest in Kintyre

The Kintyre Rainforest Alliance is a local community group that has recently launched with the aim of finding and restoring areas of temperate rainforest. This February, they received a visit from ASR representatives who provided the new group with advice, and helped uncover some surprising wildlife.

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Discover the secret glow
Jenny Tweedie Jenny Tweedie

Discover the secret glow

You’ve probably heard of bioluminescence. But have you heard of biofluorescence? Discover this incredible phenomenon first hand in March, through a series of after-dark walks in Scotland’s rainforest.

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Scotland’s Finest Woods Awards
Jenny Tweedie Jenny Tweedie

Scotland’s Finest Woods Awards

Entries are now open for Scotland’s Finest Woods Awards, which strive to reward and showcase the best of Scotland’s forests and woods.

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Painting Scotland’s rainforest
Jenny Tweedie Jenny Tweedie

Painting Scotland’s rainforest

An exhibition celebrating Scotland’s rainforest is currently on display at Resipole Studios Fine Art Gallery, Loch Sunart. The exhibition features the work of Inverness-shire based artists Jonathan Shearer and Michelle Knight, who were inspired by time spent immersed in the temperate rainforests of Sunart and Morvern.

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The State of Nature and Scotland’s rainforest
Jenny Tweedie Jenny Tweedie

The State of Nature and Scotland’s rainforest

The loss of our wildlife often seems to play second fiddle to the climate crisis. But the latest State of Nature (Scotland) report shows the scale of the problem right on our doorstep, and in particular, the problems faced by the wildlife of Scotland’s rainforest.

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