About Us
The Alliance for Scotland’s Rainforest
We are a voluntary partnership of more than 20 organisations that are all committed to collaborative action for the benefit of the rainforest
Our vision is that Scotland’s rainforest will thrive once again
By 2045, we want all of Scotland’s rainforest to be restored, and its size doubled, so it becomes a better functioning and more resilient ecosystem.
The mosaic of woodland and other habitats that make up the wider rainforest will be bigger and in better condition; more vital and regenerating; the best sites will be expanded and re-connected to each other to allow the spread of wildlife.
They will be more diverse in terms of the trees, shrubs and flora and fauna they contain as well as in their age and structure. This variety will allow for an even greater abundance of the rare and exceptional mosses, liverworts and lichen that make the rainforest so special.
A bigger, more vigorous and better connected rainforest should also be more resilient to threats, shocks and change and therefore better able to survive and thrive in the long term. And it will contribute more to sustainable development and economic growth.
Sites will be visited more, become more productive, and will be better championed and supported by businesses and local communities, as well as by charities and government agencies.

Scotland’s rainforest can only be restored at scale. The Alliance has identified a set of projects across the rainforest zone which are in urgent need of funding
Our current areas of focus:
Develop, deliver and enable landscape-scale projects that result in ecological restoration and expansion of temperate rainforest habitat
Secure significant, long-term funding and finance streams to support landscape-scale rainforest restoration
Work collaboratively so the Scottish Government fulfils its commitment that: “Scotland’s rainforest will be restored and expanded as a natural solution to the climate emergency”
Ensure that rainforest restoration projects are demonstrably benefitting the communities that live and work there.
We need to work at a large scale, across landscapes, collaborating with land managers, local communities, businesses and the public and private sector.
We estimate the scale of investment required to truly restore and expand the rainforest is around £500m. With this level of funding, alongside increased public policy support, we could tackle the landscape-scale challenges that Scotland’s rainforest is facing through a targeted multi-year programme of community-focused, landscape-scale ecosystem restoration initiatives, and at the same time lock up carbon, provide green jobs and save this internationally important habitat.

We estimate the scale of investment to truly restore Scotland’s rainforest is around £500m
Banner image: Pied flycatcher, credit Ben Andrew (rspb-images.com)