Get Involved

Ways to help save Scotland’s rainforest

Easy ways to get involved and make a difference right now

1. Volunteer.

There’s loads you can do to help the rainforest!

Keep an eye out for opportunities to carry out conservation work with our individual partners.

Or become a citizen scientist to keep an eye on rainforest health: Record ancient trees, butterflies, birds, impacts of climate on wildlife or tree health.

2. Ask.

If you are concerned about the rainforest, why not get in touch with your MSP and ask them what they are doing to safeguard this globally important habitat? 

Tell them why it’s important to you, and about the threats that need to be tackled.

Find out who your MSP is and get in touch with them.


3. Care.

Landowners and land managers in the rainforest zone - we are here to support you look after your rainforest!

Take a look at these resources or if you want free advice or a face to face visit from a woodland advisor, contact

4. Visit.

It’s the diversity of Scotland’s rainforest that makes it special.

Visit if you can and experience it for yourself. This map has some ideas but if you know of other sites that welcome visitors contact us and we’ll add it to the map.

5. Share.

Few people know that Scotland has a rainforest. Help raise its profile:

  • Follow us @ASRainforest on X and asrainforest on instagram. Use #SavingScotlandsRainforest & #ScotlandsRainforest

Banner image: Scapania gracilis (or Western Earwort) credit Gordon Rothero; Crinan Wood, Credit Niall Benvie / WTML