What do you need for a rainforest?

Last month, we shared how Scotland’s rainforest had inspired an Edinburgh-based illustrator to create a beautiful piece of artwork. But it seems the rainforest has also been inspiring film makers, and this week we have a fantastic video to share from student Beri Frydman.

Beri is from Argyll, but is currently studying Marine and Natural History Photography at the University of Falmouth.

He said: “I’ve lived in Argyll since I was one, and my love for this area, and especially the temperate rainforest, has grown through this time.

“I made this film both for my university module and because I wanted to explain why these areas exist; why the lichen population in these areas are so prolific; exploring this often forgotten treasure of the west coast of Scotland.”

You can watch Beri’s video below:

Video about Scotland’s rainforest by Beri Frydman.


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