Scotland The New Wild
Jenny Tweedie Jenny Tweedie

Scotland The New Wild

A new wildlife series started on BBC Scotland and BBC iPlayer this week. Scotland the New Wild was shot in hundreds of locations all over the country, including in Scotland’s rainforest.

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Illustrating the rainforest
Jenny Tweedie Jenny Tweedie

Illustrating the rainforest

We set an illustrator the task of showing off the incredible diversity and beauty of Scotland’s rainforest through the seasons. Here’s how she tackled it.

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Top five historical uses for the rainforest
Jenny Tweedie Jenny Tweedie

Top five historical uses for the rainforest

These days, we know how important Scotland’s rainforest is for its biodiversity. But in the past, the rainforest was a rich resource for remote communities, and some of the ways it was used might surprise you.

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The unique rainforest of Ben Shieldaig
Jenny Tweedie Jenny Tweedie

The unique rainforest of Ben Shieldaig

Ben Shieldaig, in the north west Highlands, is an unusual area of Scotland’s rainforest as the woodland here is made up of both Scots pine and birch trees. But in it, you’ll find an extraordinary 212 species of mosses and liverworts, which is about about a fifth of the entire British total.

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The threat of rhododendron in Scotland’s rainforest
Jenny Tweedie Jenny Tweedie

The threat of rhododendron in Scotland’s rainforest

Rhododendron ponticum is the most invasive plant in Scotland’s rainforest. It chokes the woodland ecosystem, pushing out specialised wildlife and preventing regeneration. In this guest blog, NTS Project Officer Rob Dewar discusses issues and solutions.

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Bryophytes: back to basics
Jenny Tweedie Jenny Tweedie

Bryophytes: back to basics

Scotland’s rainforest is internationally important for bryophytes. But what are these simple plants, and what makes this habitat so perfect for them? In the first of a series of blogs, consultant botanist Gordon Rothero explains…

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The trees of Scotland’s rainforest
Jenny Tweedie Jenny Tweedie

The trees of Scotland’s rainforest

Scotland’s rainforest wouldn’t exist without trees. There are loads of different species that you might see, but we’ve picked just five to take a closer look at.

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The story of The Ghost Rainforest
Jenny Tweedie Jenny Tweedie

The story of The Ghost Rainforest

In November 2021, a group of five indigenous leaders from different tribes in the Amazon rainforest performed a sacred ritual blessing in Scotland’s rainforest. This is the story of The Ghost Rainforest.

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Top five facts about pine martens
Jenny Tweedie Jenny Tweedie

Top five facts about pine martens

Pine martens are one of the larger creatures you’ll see in Scotland’s rainforest – though you’d be lucky to actually spot one. Here are some top facts about these secretive animals.

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The top five flowers of Scotland’s rainforest
Jenny Tweedie Jenny Tweedie

The top five flowers of Scotland’s rainforest

Scotland’s rainforest isn’t all trees, moss and lichen. In amongst the dappled glades grow beautiful woodland flowers that are an important food source for all sorts of wildlife. Here are five to look out for.

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The magical wood warbler
Jenny Tweedie Jenny Tweedie

The magical wood warbler

Scotland’s rainforest is one of the best places to see a wonderful little migrant bird with a very unusual call: the wood warbler.

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